Happenings Lately…


You guys… it has been a month or should I say, it has been a freaking YEAR. David and I were talking the other day and realized that a year ago Covid-19 took hold of everyones lives and threw us into an alternate universe of masks, “unprecedented times,” hand sanitizer, and zero hugging. I don’t think any of us were built to go a year without hugs — do you?! The seasons are finally changing and with Spring comes the hope for better days ahead. I am SO excited for the next few months, for the weather to warm, the flowers to bloom, and the chance to love on all my people again — we all have so much to be grateful for!

This post is packed with links to products I’m loving, including this new fresh scent I’ve been wearing everyday, renovation updates, some things I’m looking forward to and happenings lately! Scroll on through for allllll the things.

this month im loving:

I’m always on the hunt for spring decor that’s not too “theme-y.” These stems are bringing all the spring vibes and the fresh colors in this affordable art print are so good. I love that this throw blanket is light enough for even the warmest days (plus the color makes me smile.)

We recently added this rug to our guest bedroom and I’ve found myself styling with these candlesticks over and over again.

I just completed a big closet purge and now I’m ready to add some spring items to my wardrobe. I ordered these perfectly distressed shorts to encourage warm-weather vibes and I’m so excited to break out this adorable spring midi-dress.

David and I have been cooking this easy chicken recipe at least once a week.

I recently read this hilarious, eye-opening book about one women’s journey through group therapy. Such a great read for those of us on the road of self-discovery and in need of a good laugh.

Here’s the link to the gold necklace I wear everyday!


in terms of renovations..

Although most of the work seems to be happening behind the scenes, we are moving and grooving for the #wtwcolonialcottage! We’ve already gained some hard-earned renovation knowledge including the importance of having patience (NOT my strong suit —let me tell you).

I recently put together a moodboard for our english-cottage inspired kitchen and BOY am I excited to bake some cookies in this oven. I also believe I will be sleeping with our unlaquered brass cabinet pulls until they get installed.

We made the big decision to add our upstairs bathroom to the renovation plans. Read this post for the thought behind our decision plus some of the photos inspiring the design.

This week we spent an entire morning picking out plumbing fixtures and David found his dream toilet (yes, those are HIS words.)

This mudroom photo has me drooling how about you?

what the heck are we are doing with our current condo?!

For any newbies around these parts, we are moving! 6 months ago we bought a historic home in Evanston, IL and are doing some major renovations before we move in ( August is the projected move-in date , fingers crossed). Right now, we are living in a condo and have received MANY questions on if we are going to sell or rent. The answer is… we’re going to sell! Our plan is to list in April and hopefully have it sold in a few months.

in case you missed it:

We decided to give our guest-room/office a little makeover for spring! Checkout this post for the moodboard and all the sources.

I rounded up some unique table lamps for those looking to refresh their lighting options and also did a deep-dive for floor mirrors for every budget! Make sure to visit this roundup of my favorite neutral rugs for any space.

This reel on “design things you need to stop doing in 2021” went viral on Instagram! Just remember, at the end of the day decorate your home in a way that makes YOU happy.

We’re so grateful to have you HERE and wishing you all the best in the next month!


Spring Faux Stems


Amazon Light Fixtures Under $200