My 2021 Word of the Year: GROWTH


It’s the last day of the year (thank GOD)and with that comes a lot of feelings! There are feelings of sadness for the many challenges this year brought and all the special people we lost along the way and yet there’s immense feelings of satisfaction and pride in having survived this year and in all the amazing things we did: we brought home RUBY, I received my interior design certification, we bought a house, I started a business, and spent (ALOT) of quality time with David! 2020 was hard — it challenged us and it tested us but I think in a-lot of ways we rose to that challenge and I’m proud of the stronger person I am because of it — Who’s with me?!

That brings me to the word of the year! I LOVE picking a word of the year because it provides intention to the goals I set for myself and creates a theme for how I want my year to flow. This year my word of the year is: G R O W T H

I chose this word for a couple different reasons:

Personal growth:

I turn 25 in a few days and I finally feel like I’m getting into my groove and doing the things I LOVE to do — and yet, there is so much room for growth. This year I want to really dive into what makes me happy and take advantage of every opportunity to develop my full potential. I want to read things that challenge me, travel places that inspire me, create habits that nourish me, and invest in relationships that support me so I can become the best version of myself.

Professional Growth:

This word represents a lot for me professionally. Starting a design and lifestyle blog was always a dream of mine and so this year, I really want focus on growing my little corner of the internet. I want to grow our online community and my relationship with all of YOU, continue to develop my design and content creation skills, increase the scope of interior design projects, and maybe even expand our little team here at We’re the Whites.

David and I have so many big plans for the coming year but I’m mostly excited to focus on growing right here with YOU — thanks for being along for the ride (:

Do you choose a word of the year?! I would love to know which word you chose in the comments below.

Happy New Year Everyone!!


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