My (Stay-at-Home) Winter Bucketlist


Wow, It’s like suddenly I woke up and January was over! Although I’m definitely a summer girl at heart, I really don’t want to let this cozy season go before I get the chance to appreciate it fully. David and I made a winter bucket list full of simple activities to do together before the weather warms back up again:

  1. Go sledding!

  2. Make (spiked) hot chocolate

  3. Donate our clothes to Goodwill

  4. Spend the evening with a good book (phone - free)

  5. Ice Skating!

  6. Have a living room picnic

  7. Make a cozy breakfast in bed

  8. Play with Ruby in the snow

  9. Try a new recipe (I have this chili recipe i’ve been meaning to try out for the longest time)

  10. Go antique shopping

Hopefully this list will inspire you to have a little winter fun of your own!

Do you have any fun winter activities you’d like to do?! Drop them below!


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